
25th anniversary promotion XXXIV (Tecnun'99)


On Saturday, October 5, coinciding with the Alumni Weekend of the University of Navarra, will take place at Tecnun the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the XXXIV graduating class, the one that finished classes in June 1999. The celebration will consist of a series of events at Tecnun in the morning and afterwards, the delegates are organizing a lunch (still to be determined).


10:30 a.m. Opening

11:00 a.m. Mass for the deceased of the graduating class

11:45 Welcome from the board board of directors

12:15 visit to the new facilities

13:00 Aperitif, group photos...

14:00 Lunch


All those who feel connected to the promotion are invited, regardless of the official date on which the title was won. Accompanying persons are also welcome; in fact there are already more than 10 signed up.

It will be a great opportunity to meet again, to resume the contact with classmates, to greet teachers .... We have created a whatsapp group of the promotion to facilitate communication, you can join with this link.

Register as soon as possible so we can count on you!



Fernando Palacios Hidalgo
José Benigno Freire Salinas
Javier Díaz Dorronsoro
María Manso Ortiz
Tomas Moreno Garcia
Soledad Abad Aranzabal
Iranzu Sainz de Murieta Petit
Javier Fernández Zabaleta
Patricio Alemany Lopez
Telmo Asurmendi Saizar
Aitor Samaniego Vitores
Ana Insausti Arribillaga
Álvaro Otaolaurruchi Barbadillo
David García Armesto
Pablo Fenoll conference room
Pablo Valencia framework
Jaime Rubí Montes
Iñigo Ortúñez Aguilar
Cayetano Lopez Teran
Roberto Mielgo García
Elena López Tamayo
Lander Gonzalez Larrea
Nerea Goicoechea Martínez
Nacho Gutiérrez Santalo
Sergio Camps López

*The persons appearing in this list have given their consent to the University of Navarra to publish their participation in the event.




October 5, 2024




Tecnun campus of Ibaeta

City San Sebastian
Organized by Tecnun. School of Engineering