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Greetings from Director

Raúl Antón

Welcome to the website of the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra, where more than 1000 students of Degree and 200 master's degree students study annually, not only in San Sebastian, but also in Madrid. We are fulfilling a dream that began in 1961 by offering future engineers from the best companies in Spain, Europe and the world the opportunity to study at our university. Today, almost 10,000 students have passed through our classrooms.

All our degrees are recognized by the EURACE International Quality Seal, which mainly highlights the professional character and the high capacity of employment rate of our graduates.

In addition, each year nearly 100 engineers continue their doctoral programs under the supervision of more than 150 PhD researchers from this School of Engineering and Ceit, institutions that, in addition to this technological campus , share the mission statement goal of improving the competitiveness of companies through research projects and training young researchers to lead changes in companies. To date, more than 700 theses have been defended at our institution.

Our teaching and research activity is structured around the main lines of the Strategy 2025 of the University of Navarra, focused on the sustainabledevelopment and thecare of people and the environment

In this sense we strive to offer our students a TRANSFORMING and INTERDISCIPLINARYEducation , constantly redefining our academic programs with the financial aid of our committee advisor formed by more than 30 companies and institutions and forming part of the network CDIO, made up of the 120 best engineering schools worldwide. 

Likewise, all the projects of our research groups, strongly supported by public institutions, show the interest of this School to contribute knowledge and IMPACT RESEARCH WITH A FOCUS on people and the environment. This desire is also materialized in the numerous social activities promoted from Tecnun and in which more than 200 volunteers, including students and employees, participate annually.  

The increasing presence of student body international Tecnun, around 20%, encourages us, as well as the increase of issue of women enrolling in the School, which allows us to celebrate the success of initiatives that are enriching university life, such as the activities of Emakumeak Zientzian and Women for Science and Technology.

Rankings such as QS, El Mundo, Fundación knowledge and development place Tecnun among the top engineering schools. The University of Navarra is in third place in the Times Higher Education (THE) European teaching ranking, behind Oxford and Cambridge. But what we are most proud of is the recognition of our own students at the end of their careers and their positive impact on society and organizations through the successful practice of their careers, with a technical, managerial, business and human perspective that makes it possible to build a more just world.

We continue to have the illusion of continuing to train excellent engineers, academically, but especially in the field staff. We would like to return the trust placed in our project educational . 

Raúl Antón, Director de Tecnun