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History of the School

In 1961, the University of Navarra created the technical school of Industrial Engineers in the city of San Sebastian, thus acceding to the demands of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and increasing with a School of Industrial Engineers the ever-growing academic programs of the University of Navarra. This is its history.


  • 1961

    Inauguration of the first course

    At noon on October 16, 1961, in the Throne Hall of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the solemn act of inauguration of activities of the technical school of Engineers took place, with the presence of the President of the University of Navarra, Mr. José Mª Albareda, the president of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Vicente Asuero, the mayor of San Sebastián, Nicolás Lasarte, the vicar general of the Diocese, Mr. José Cruz Sudupe, the first academic staff of the School and other authorities. The following day, October 17, 1961, classes began.

    Inauguration of the first course
  • 1962

    Officiality of education

    During this year, the official status of the courses taught by the University of Navarra was recognized by Decree 2294/1962, of September 8, 2002, of the Ministry of National Education , which recognizes the civil effects of the courses taught by the University of Navarra for the purposes set forth in the Agreement signed between the Holy See and the Spanish State on April 5, 1962.

    Officiality of education
  • 1963

    III IESE Assembly

    First event between the School and IESE on the occasion of the III Assembly of the Institute of Higher Business Studies in San Sebastian, which opens the history of collaboration between the two centers of the University of Navarra. IESE brings together in Donostia the executives who have followed its senior management programs with its professors and scientific staff , in order to channel the continuity of the ongoing training work it provides. Since then, many students have gone on to complete their professional careers as managers at IESE, since "IESE and the school share the same submission and dedication to their students. The Technical Research Center of Gipuzkoa (CIT) was also created, with Pachi Tegerizo as its first director . The aim is to create an industrial and research laboratory at the service of Gipuzkoa's industry, which carries out its activities in perfect symbiosis with the school, also collaborating in the teaching of the fourth and fifth years.

    III IESE Assembly
  • 1964

    New Study program

    The duration of Industrial Engineering is reduced to five years, eliminating the two years of Selective and Initiation, and also incorporates the specialisations of Mechanics and Chemical-Metallurgy into Industrial Engineering.

    New Study program
  • 1967

    1st promotion of Industrial Engineers

    The first graduating class of Industrial Engineers from our School, made up of twelve graduates, concludes their studies. It is the pioneer class, which began and finished their studies in the half-remodelled Urdaneta building.

    1st promotion of Industrial Engineers
  • 1969

    Graduation 1st female engineer

    The School's first female Industrial Engineer, María Belén Mongelos, graduates. Together with 31 other classmates, they constitute the III Promotion of the School.

    Graduation 1st female engineer
  • 1970

    1st promotion of Physical Sciences

    With nine students, it graduates in 1970. This year, the specialisations of Mechanics, Metallurgy, Electricity and Industrial Organisation for Industrial Engineers.

    1st promotion of Physical Sciences
  • 1974

    New computer

    A new "electronic brain" is installed in the school, the HP 2100s computer, which can be connected for the first time to work as a remote terminal.

    New computer
  • 1982

    The Center for Technical Studies and Research (CEIT) is born.

    The Ceit, a center of scientific and technical excellence, promotes innovation in industry through the promotion of research projects for companies seeking to develop new products and services. Its first General Director is also Director of the School, José Mª Bastero, and Manuel Fuentes is the scientific director .

    The Center for Technical Studies and Research (CEIT) is born.
  • 1986

    Silver Jubilee

    Tecnun celebrates its silver jubilee in 1986 after twenty-five years of technical school of Industrial Engineers in San Sebastian. Three are the continuous witnesses of this quarter century of life and receive the first silver medals of the University of Navarra. They are administrative assistant Conchita Elormendi and professors Pachi Tegerizo and José Casares. 1,116 graduates, 36 doctors, three of whom were already university professors, and a total of 987 students studying engineering in its classrooms.

    Silver Jubilee
  • 1988

    Origins of the ERASMUS programme

    The School was chosen, along with eighty other European universities, to participate in a pilot program developed by the European Commission's General Administration of Employment, Social Affairs and Education for the recognition of transferable credits between universities in the twelve member states of the then European Communities. These were the beginnings of what later became known as the ERASMUS Program of the European Community for the mobility of students between university institutions.

    Origins of the ERASMUS programme
  • 1992

    Beatification of Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

    A group of students from the School travel to Rome for attend to attend the beatification of St. Josemaría Escrivá, Founder of the University. This year the School was also invited by the International Olympic Committee ( committee ) to participate in the Barcelona Games through three research projects on sports biomechanics in the disciplines of high jump, pole vault and fixed bar in gymnastics. For this, the School sends a team of students led by Professor Javier García de Jalón.

    Beatification of Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer
  • 1993

    New Study program

    Again this year, a change of Study program, the University Reform Law, is implemented. The Industrial Engineering degree program is renewed and the School will offer four degrees in Higher Engineering: Industrial Engineering, Industrial Organization Engineering, Industrial Automation and Electronics Engineering and Materials Engineering. The degree program lasts five years. In addition, the LRU allows student to choose part of the subjects.

    New Study program
  • 1995

    School Employment Day

    The Employment Day are some conference that bring the company to the School, thus bringing potential employers closer to the new engineering graduates at Tecnun. During the conference, held in February or March, students have the opportunity to learn what the different participating companies do, what they need from future engineers, thus bringing supply and demand of engineers closer, and opening the possibility of obtaining a job, summer internships, or the development of the project end of career.

    School Employment Day
  • 1995

    Gold Medal

    Joaquín Casellas, first director of the School, received the University's Gold Medal in 1995. This is a recognition awarded by the University to its employees for 25 years of service.

    Gold Medal
  • 2000


    degree program Telecommunication Engineering begins to be taught at the School. In the same year, Chair of Thermal and Fluids Engineering Fundación Antonio Aranzábal-Universidad de Navarra is created.

  • 2002

    Canonisation of Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

    The University of Navarra celebrates its fiftieth anniversary and that same year, in October, the Founder of the School, St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, is canonized at place in St. Peter's by Blessed John Paul II. In the same year, 2002, Tecnun received the accredited specialization of Quality from the Ministry of Education for its doctoral program of Industrial Engineering.

    Canonisation of Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer
  • 2003

    Doctor 'honoris causa

    A proposal of the School, the University has conferred three honorary doctorates, the latest being Anthony Kelly, in 2003, formerPresident of the University of Surrey and founder of Churchill College, University of Oxford. Previous recipients were Christopher M. Sellars of the University of Sheffield (1989) and Manuel Elices of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (1994).

    Doctor 'honoris causa
  • 2006


    Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Asturias inaugurate the Miramón building.

  • 2009

    New qualifications

    The new degrees of Degree, nine, adapted to the EHEA, were implemented: Industrial Technologies Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Electronics Engineering, Telecommunication Systems Engineering, Communications Electronics Engineering, Industrial Organization Engineering, Industrial Engineering design and development of Products, and Biomedical Engineering.

    New qualifications
  • 2009

    Tecnun Motorsport

    In 2009, the Tecnun Motorsport team participates for the first time in the Formula Student competition, driving its single-seater at the Silvertone and Hockenheim circuits. More than 45 students from the School participate in the project .

    Tecnun Motorsport
  • 2011

    50th anniversary

    Tecnun celebrates its 50th anniversary. In its half century of history, more than 6,000 engineers and physicists have attended graduate . The events closed with the unveiling of the sculpture called "From Plane to Space", by the artist Néstor Basterretxea, which today presides over the entrance to the technological campus of San Sebastián.

    50th anniversary
  • 2012

    Thesis issue 500

    The engineer Leire Labaka defends the thesis issue 500 of the School. The effort researcher of Tecnun has been focused mainly on projects of applied research to the day to day of the companies, both in Gipuzkoa and globally. The first thesis defended at the School was that of engineer Juan Manuel Martinez-Apezteguía. In the photo the authors of both theses blowing the celebration cake.

    Thesis issue 500
  • 2013

    First master's degrees

    For the first time, master's degrees adapted to the EHEA were introduced: Industrial Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Production Management in the Automotive Sector. By 2020, all Degrees and master's degrees will obtain the accreditation EURACE, European Seal of International Quality in Engineering.

    First master's degrees
  • 2017

    Social commitment

    Tantaka, the Solidarity Time Bank, was launched at Tecnun at the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year with the goal to act as an intermediary between the associations of Gipuzkoa and the campus of Donostia-San Sebastián. Since then, more than 200 people, including students and staff of the School and research center Ceit , participate annually in activities of volunteer activities in areas such as care for children and adolescents, elderly, sick or disabled people.

    Social commitment
  • 2018

    committee advisor of Companies

    In May 2018, the committee advisor was formed. Today it is made up of 32 companies and institutions with which Tecnun has collaboration agreements to jointly and structuredly review the present and future of engineering education, so that the institutions positively influence Tecnun and thus improve the profile competency of graduates and their suitability for the labor market.

    committee advisor of Companies
  • 2019

    Campus of Madrid

    In September 2019, Tecnun began teaching in Madrid. The Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering started at the new postgraduate headquarters of the University of Navarra with students from both the School and other Spanish universities and with a strong involvement of companies associated with the Master's Degree that collaborate by teaching, giving lectures and organising visits to their facilities.

    Campus of Madrid
  • 2020

    Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute (DATAI)

    In February 2020 the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Institute (DATAI) was launched. Attached to Tecnun, it is a research center, innovation and training of the University of Navarra that seeks a collaborative work of different groups and individuals of the University with the goal to achieve excellence in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence.

  • 2021

    Teaching and Innovation

    The degrees of Degree are renewed and the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation approves new curricula for all Degrees, with common complementary itineraries of Computer Science, Data Analytics, development Sustainable and Making & Hacking. The School continues its commitment to innovation in teaching and joins the network CDIO, made up of the 120 best engineering schools worldwide.

    Artificial Intelligence

    Tecnun implements two new official master's degrees: Master in Artificial Intelligence (Campus San Sebastián), Master in Technological Innovation (Campus Madrid)

    Teaching and Innovation
  • 2022

    60th anniversary

    Tecnun celebrated its 60th anniversary with a commemorative event at the Igartza Palace in Beasain. alumni reflected on the evolution of the industry in Gipuzkoa and the contribution of the university center during these six decades. The director of Tecnun, Raúl Antón, highlights the profile academic and researcher of Tecnun and its 75 research projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence-Data Science, personalized medicine, energy transition, quantum computing or sustainability. In addition, in 2022, the Gene Haas Center was inaugurated: a pioneering research laboratory at state level, as a result of the agreement with this leading American company in machine tool.

  • 2023

    City Science Lab Gipuzkoa



The School of Engineering was founded in 1961. Its first director was Joaquín Casellas. With him, other professors started the School, such as Pachi Tegerizo, Carlos Jordana, Jaime Faustmann, José Antonio Pero-Sanz, Manuel Fuentes, Manuel de la Morena, Javier Urquía, Diego Ramírez, Antonio Idarreta, José González Ibeas, Miklos Palfy and Facundo Sancho.

José Mª Bastero, who joined the School in the late 1960s, replaced Casellas as director in 1978. In 1996 he was appointed President of the University.

The chapter of pioneers closes with some professors such as Javier García de Jalón, former student of the School, disciple of the first ones.

And of course, we cannot forget Conchita Elormendi, the first administrative assistant of the School, who arrived at Tecnun when the future first headquarters on Urdaneta Street was still under construction.




* Click on the image to learn more about the School's pioneers.