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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The sustainability in its triple dimension -environmental, economic and social- is the crosscutting purpose of the Strategy 2025 of the University of Navarra. In this line, Tecnun has launched the initiative "Tecnun Campus Sostenible" in order to promote it in campus through various actions.

Tecnun Campus Sustainable


The goal of the project is to develop sustainability at different levels: the educational (Degrees and master); operations (infrastructure and events) and research.

To this end, a Sustainability Commission has been created, for which the researcher at Economics Circular and professor at Tecnun, Carmen Jaca, is responsible.


Carmen JacaCarmen Jaca is responsible for
of the Sustainability Strategy
Environmental Tecnun

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Concurso Proyectos Tecnun Sostenible23

Project Competition Tecnun Sustainable

Tecnun launches this contest to recognize those final projects of Degree and masters that contribute to sustainable development . This call seeks to promote a culture of sustainability among our student body. In order to participate, it is necessary to carry out a simple evaluation of sustainability in all its aspects:




It's your chance to make a difference and have a positive impact on our society!

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Concurso Proyectos Tecnun Sostenible foto

Project Competition Tecnun Sustainable

Aplicaciones anidadas


Activities for all audiences


Activities for all audiences

There will be various activities for the university community such as meetings with experts, "Time to Shareon sustainability issues addressed to academic staff, or a Universitycongress for doctoral students and students who are collaborating in lines of research related to the environment.

Also, the Sustainability club "Green Tecnun" will continue to promote activities for the entire staff through its Instagram account (@greentecnun) .

Aplicaciones anidadas


Tec2025 Competition

Within the project Life Urban Klima 2050 and to improve the awareness of student body of Tecnun on subject climate change, a contest was launched on this topic (Tec 2025), with the following objectives:

 Measure the Degree of knowledge on climate change from our student body (Degree and master).

 Make them think about different aspects in which they can act to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change, and what they individually could do.

 To know your knowledge about the current initiatives being carried out at Tecnun, on this topic.

 Know what ideas they have that could be implemented at Tecnun.

