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Service orientation




Aplicaciones anidadas

Servicio de orientación entradilla

The information and orientation service of Tecnun together with all its professors and researchers, are at your disposal to help you learn more about the world of engineering and research.

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Information brochures


Much more than engineering brochure

Much more than Engineering


Brochure Tecnun Itineraries

High altitude itineraries

Aplicaciones anidadas


Brochure Tecnun "Engineers and Employment".

Engineers and Employment


Brochure Tecnun Engineering on demand

Engineering on demand


Brochure Tecnun "Masters".

Masters of Tecnun

Aplicaciones anidadas


Upcoming events


Las inscripciones de cada actividad se publican con 2 ó 3 semanas de antelación a las mismas.

Registrations for each activity are published 2 to 3 weeks in advance of the activity.


September, October, November, and December 2023

Friday, September 29, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

workshop of Initiation to Biomedical Engineering, in Pamplona. UNAV - Sciences Building

Friday, October 6, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

workshop of Initiation to Engineering in design Industrial and development of Products. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta

Friday, October 20, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

workshop of Initiation to Mechanical Engineering. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta

Saturday, October 21, 2023 at 10:30 am

workshop Engineering Orientation for Parents and Students of . high school diploma. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta

Friday, October 27, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. 

  • Practice "Playing at being Engineers", in UNAV (Pamplona) - School of Architecture

  • workshop of Initiation to Engineering in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, in TECNUN (SnSn) - Campus of Ibaeta (NEW)

Saturday, October 28th, 2023 at 10:30 a.m.

workshop Engineering Orientation Program in Pamplona, for parents and students from high school diploma. UNAV - School de Comunicación

Friday, November 3, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

workshop of Initiation to Industrial Organization Engineering. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta

Saturday, November 18, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.

workshop Open Doors. Degrees in Industrial Technologies Engineering, design Industrial and development of Products, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Computer and Artificial Intelligence, and Industrial Organization. TECNUN - Campus from Ibaeta

Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.

workshop Open Doors. Degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Telecommunications. TECNUN - Campus of Miramón

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Testing of Admissions Office Anticipation. TECNUN - Campus by Ibaeta (NEW)

Friday, December 22nd, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.

  • workshop of Initiation to Biomedical Engineering. TECNUN - Campus of Miramón

  • workshop of Initiation to Electrical-Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta

February, March and June 2024

Saturday, February 24, 2024

II workshop Open Doors. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Tests of Admissions Office Ordinary. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta (NEW)

June 19, 20 and 21, 2024

conference of Initiation to Engineering for students in the 1st year of high school diploma. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta and Miramón

June 26, 27 and 28, 2024

conference of Initiation to Engineering for students in the 1st year of high school diploma. TECNUN - Campus of Ibaeta and Miramón

You can apply for a personalized quotation for information and orientation.
Please contact us.


2023ko Iraila, urria, azaroa eta abendua

2023ko irailak 29, ostirala, 17:00etan

Ingeniaritza Biomedikako Hastapen Jardunaldia, Iruñean. Nafarroako Unibertsitate kanpusean - Zientzia Fakultatean

2023ko urriak 6, ostirala, 16:00tan

Diseinu Industrialeko eta Produktuen Garapeneko Ingeniaritza Hastapen Jardunaldia. TECNUNen - Ibaetako Unibertsitate kanpusean

2023ko urriak 20, ostirala, 16:00tan

Ingeniaritza Mekanikako Hastapen Jardunaldia. TECNUNen - Ibaetako Unibertsitate kanpusean

2023ko urriak 21, larunbata, 10:30tan

Ingeniaritza Orientazio Saioa, Batxilergoko ikasle eta gurasoentzat. TECNUNen - Ibaetako Unibertsitate kanpusean

2023ko urriak 27, ostirala, 16:30tan

  • "Ingeniari izaten jokatzen" praktika, Iruñean-Nafarroako Unibertsitate kanpusean - Arkitektura Fakultatean

  • Konputazio eta Adimen Artifizialeko Ingeniaritza Hastapen Jardunaldia, Donostian-TECNUNen - Ibaetako kanpusean (BERRIA)

2023ko urriak 28, larunbata, 10:30tan

Ingeniaritza Orientazio Saioa, Batxilergoko ikasle eta gurasoentzat, Iruñean-UNAV - Komunikazio Fakultatean

2023ko azaroak 3, ostirala, 16:00tan

Antolakuntza Industrialeko Ingeniaritza Hastapen Jardunaldia. TECNUNen - Ibaetako Unibertsitate kanpusean

2023ko azaroak 18, larunbata, 11:00tan

Ate Irekien Jardunaldia. Teknologia Industrialeko, Diseinu Industrial eta Produktuen Garapeneko, Mekanikako, Elektrikako, Elektronikako, Konputazio eta Adimen Artifizialeko, eta Antolakuntza Industrialeko Ingeniaritza Graduak. TECNUNen - Ibaetako Kanpusa.

2023ko azaroak 25, larunbata, 11:00tan

Ate Irekien Jardunaldia. Ingeniaritza biomedikoko eta telekomunikaziokoko graduak. TECNUNen - Miramoneko kanp.

2023ko abenduak 16, larunbata

Aurre onarpen probak. TECNUNen - Ibaetako Unibertsitate kanpusean (BERRIA)

2023ko abenduak 22, ostirala, 10:00tan

  • Ingeniaritza Biomedikako Hastapen Jardunaldia. TECNUNen - Miramoneko Unibertsitate kanpusean

  • Ingeniaritza Elektriko-Elektronikako eta Telekomunikazioko Hastapen Jardunaldiak. TECNUNen - Ibaetako kanpusean

2024ko otsaila, martxoa eta ekaina

2024ko otsailak 24, larunbata

2. Ate Irekien Jardunaldia TECNUNen - Ibaetako kanpusean

2024ko martxoak 16, larunbata

Ohiko Onarpen probak. TECNUNen - Ibaetako kanpusean (BERRIA)

2024ko ekainak 19, 20 eta 21

Ingeniaritzarako Hastapen Jardunaldiak, 1.Batxilergoko ikasleentzat. TECNUNen - Ibaeta and Miramoneko kanpusetan

2024ko ekainak 26, 27 eta 28

Ingeniaritzarako Hastapen Jardunaldiak, 1.Batxilergoko ikasleentzat. TECNUNen - Ibaeta and Miramoneko kanpusetan

Information and guidance on the use of customized products is available.
Jarri gurekin harremanetan





Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

destacado eventos admision


Aplicaciones anidadas

Jornadas de Iniciación a la Ingeniería BANNER SEMANA 1

conference Introduction to Engineering. 1st week.
Campus of Ibaeta. Paseo de Manuel Lardizabal, Nº 13.

JUNE 19-21. 2024

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Jornadas de Iniciación a la Ingeniería BANNER 2

conference of Initiation to Engineering. 2nd week.
Campus of Ibaeta. Paseo de Manuel Lardizabal, Nº 13.

JUNE 26-28. 2024

Publicador de contenidos

Aplicaciones anidadas


The information and orientation service of Tecnun together with all its professors and researchers are at your disposal to help you learn more about the world of engineering and research. You are invited to come whenever you wish. If you would like to receive information, ask any questions or arrange an interview and come to visit the school, please fill in this form form.


Can we help you?

Ask for your quotation with the Orientation Service.

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By clicking on the "Send" button you expressly give your consent to the University of Navarra to process your personal data for the purpose of managing the event. The University will keep you informed of similar activities and events as long as you do not give leave or express your civil service examination to the treatment. You have the right to withdraw your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out, access your personal data, modify it, delete it or oppose to the processing whenever you want, as well as to exercise other rights that are listed on the Data Protection page, where you can obtain more details about the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you would like any clarification or to exercise your rights, please contact indicating in the title of the message "Servicio de Orientación Tecnun".

Legal message

By clicking on the "Send" button you expressly give your consent to the University of Navarra to process your personal data for the purpose of managing the event. The University will keep you informed of similar activities and events as long as you do not give leave or express your civil service examination to the treatment. You have the right to withdraw your consent, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing previously carried out, access your personal data, modify it, delete it or oppose to the processing whenever you want, as well as to exercise other rights that are listed on the Data Protection page, where you can obtain more details about the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you would like any clarification or to exercise your rights, please contact indicating in the title of the message "Servicio de Orientación Tecnun".

Aplicaciones anidadas


Mikel Arcelus

Director of the service of promotion and orientation of Degrees

Mikel Arcelus

P° de Manuel Lardizabal, 13

20018 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

+34 943 21 98 77


admisionYayudas_servicioOrientacion_Irene de Vicente

Irene de Vicente

Service for the promotion and orientation of Degrees

Irene de Vicente

P° de Manuel Lardizabal, 13.

20018 Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain

943 219 877 / Ext. (84) 2417


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



Virtual Tour through TECNUN

Through this virtual tour you can learn a little more about the campus of San Sebastian where the School of Engineering is located.
