Webinar: "The trinomial market, regulation, financing of renewable hydrogen".
The renewable hydrogen market, regulation, financing trinomial Webinar
The Chair of Energy Transition Repsol Foundation at the University of Navarra, invites you to this webinar in which we will explore the current status hydrogen in the different aspects of market, regulation and financing. + info
10:00 |
Opening and introduction.
Tomás Gómez-Acebo, Professor of the School of Engineering TECNUN-University of Navarra and Director of the Chair of Energy Transition Fundación Repsol at the University of Navarra. |
10:10 |
Keynote: Hydrogen projects, competitive reality or energy bubble?
Eugenio Trillo, Vice President of the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster and CEO co-founder of The Lean Hydrogen Company. |
10:40 |
The hydrogen market: present and future prospects.
Ana María Martínez Soriano, General Manager of Commercial Strategy at Repsol. |
11:00 |
Regulation applicable to hydrogen projects.
Carlos Mínguez, partner and Head of Energy at Andersen. |
11:20 |
Financing of hydrogen projects.
Maite García, Head of National Financing for Energy and Sustainability projects at Zabala Innovation.
Igor Idareta, Head of European Sustainability Projects at Zabala Innovation. |
11:40 |
Round of questions.
Tomás Gómez-Acebo, Professor of the School of Engineering TECNUN-University of Navarra and Director of the Chair of Energy Transition Fundación Repsol at the University of Navarra. |
Soledad Abad Aranzabal
Alumni Director Tecnun
T. 943 219 877 / Ext. (84) 2454 | sabadaranza@unav.es
May 23, 2024