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Seven graduates of the University of Navarra obtain the award National End-of-Studies Award

Among them are the graduates of Tecnun, José Luis Bueno and Juncal Arbelaiz.

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Rodrigo Sánchez Bayona, Tarek Ajami, Javier Preciado Goldaracena, Jon Lerga Jaso, Alejandra Uriz Iglesias, Juncal Arbelaiz Múgica and José Luis Bueno.
PHOTO: Courtesy
01/08/18 12:39 Communication Service

Seven graduates of the University of Navarra have received the 2013-2014 National End of Career award , including students from area biosanitary and engineering.

This award awarded by the Ministry of Education and professional training to the best records in the country, has awarded the first prizes to Rodrigo Sanchez Bayona from Navarra in Medicine and Jose Luis Bueno in Industrial Engineering.

Currently, the engineer Jose Luis Bueno is working on his doctoral dissertation , which he will defend next year. "I am grateful to all the people who have made this possible, to my professors from TecnunI am grateful to all the people who have made it possible, to my professors, who make engineering accessible, and to my family", said Bueno, "although I knew that I could be awarded, it has been a pleasant surprise".

In addition, Sánchez Bayona, has obtained the second award, Jon Lerga Jaso, graduate in Biochemistry, and the third Alejandra Uriz Iglesias, in Biology; Javier Preciado Goldaracena, in Pharmacy; Tarek Ajami Fardoun, also in Medicine; and the irundarra Juncal Arbelaiz Múgica, in Engineering in Industrial Technologies.

As soon as she learned that she had been awarded one of these National End of Career Awards, the engineer of Tecnun, Juncal Arbelaiz, who is currently working at the prestigious MIT in Massachusetts, spread the news among those who had been her teachers at the School, to whom she shared this achievement.

The National End of Degree Awards are granted taking into account the academic record and other curricular merits. On this occasion, the Ministry has awarded 57 prizes in each category (first, second and third) endowed with 3,300 euros, 2,650 euros and 2,200 euros respectively.

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