DANOBATGROUP awards a project of Tecnun to boost applied research to industrial manufacturing
Award-winning study addresses automation of machining of industrial components
Promoting technological research and innovation in advanced manufacturing processes is one of the objectives of the business group. DANOBATGROUPwhich has recognized the best project of development industrial made by a group of students of the Master of Industrial Engineering of Tecnun.
In order to apply for the award, the 60 students of the Master's program had to be divided into work teams and answer to a common challenge set up by the machine manufacturer tool: the design of a machine for the machining of oil&gas flanges in an automated environment.
The different teams worked individually with mission statement to develop a technological solution to solve the problem posed and, on February 20, they defended their project in front of a jury made up of professionals from DANOBATGROUP and the IK4-IDEKO technology center, the innovation engine of the Basque group.
In their decision, the members of the jury took into account the characteristics of the solution presented, the clarity of the exposition of those responsible for project, the research and documentation work carried out, and the follow-up of the instructions given by the professors.
The development of these projects and the participation in the awards has allowed the student body tolearn how real industrial environments work. Through theoretical and practical training at the facilities of the manufacturer of advanced manufacturing solutions, the young people have learned how production systems work, the latest trends in industrial robotics or the design and precision engineering.
These awards are part of the collaboration agreement signed by DANOBATGROUP and Tecnun in December 2015, whose goal is to promote the link between academia and the professional world, as well as to transfer to real industrial manufacturing environments the knowledge acquired at classroom. The awards, organized every year, seek to underpin the training of excellence of the Master's students, foster their technical knowledge and enhance transversal skills such as inventiveness, analytical skills and teamwork.