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Tecnun celebrates the graduation at the Kursaal

188 students of Degree and 54 master's degree students end a university stage

06 | 06 | 2024

Last Saturday, June 1st, Tecnunthe School of Engineering of the University of Navarra, celebrated the ceremony of submission of Diplomas of Degree and Imposition of Birettes of the Class of 2024. A total of 188 students from Degree and 54 master students put an end to a university stage.

The workshop began with a mass in the Basilica of Santa Maria at 10.30h officiated by the chaplain of Tecnun, Emilio Fuertes. At 12.30h, in the Kursaal, the academic ceremony began, which was presided over by the Vice President of Students of the University of Navarra, Rosalía Baena. At the presidential table were also the director of Tecnun, Raúl Antón; the Deputy Director of Students, Jorge Juan Gil; the deputy director of Research, Marta Ormazábal; the deputy director of Office of Academic Affairs, Nere Gil-Negrete, the director of development IñigoGutiérrez and the General Manager, Javier Aizpún. The coordinator of Studies, Rocío Núñez, conducted the event.

The students of Tecnun Juan Fernando Salvador and Isabel Benito were in charge of representing the 188 students from the 9 Degrees of Tecnun who were graduating. With their speech, both thanked the effort of their families and teachers who have helped them to "conquer the goal of being engineers". The students recalled some of their experiences and highlighted the value of having learned much more than engineering: "Tecnun has helped us to stand up for ourselves, to make daily decisions about what to get involved in and to be coherent and responsible with our actions", said the student Isabel Benito to the applause of the audience.

Elena Marín, a student from the Master's program in Industrial Engineering, gave a speech on behalf of the Master's students. Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering. With her speech, she celebrated all the effort of the study and the knowledge acquired and thanked "the guide" of the professors throughout a "different and transforming" stage that has helped them to become who they are now. The speech ended to the applause of their classmates of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering, Master's Degree in Engineering data analysis y Master in Telecommunication Engineeringwho were seated on stage together with the professors and delegates of Degree.

The University's Student Vice President , Rosalía Baena, closed the Academic Event by reminding them that they are part of the University's alumni community of more than 120,000 members: "I hope you feel the University as the place to return to and remember that it will always be your home".

Graduation : Degree and Master's graduating class of 2024

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