Master's in Industrial Engineering students take a course each year at IESE Business School in Madrid
The young people solve case studies and attend lectures on Personnel Management Service and leadership.

The IESE program complements the training of Master's students at Tecnun. "This program consists of solving practical cases during a week and attend to sessions with speakers on Personnel Management Servicetopics," says Professor Álvaro Lleó .
During this course, Master's students are faced with real problems that they have to solve through dialogue and discussion. During one week, the work dynamic is different. They are days for listening and sharing, as well as "taking a first contact with companies through a Business School", as ProfessorNoemí Pérez points out.
On this occasion, the students worked on cases that taught them how to lead their careers in a time of change and uncertainty, the importance of strategic direction and talent, as well as life course management and ethics in organisations by building trust. They also worked on leadership styles and interpersonal influence, as well as the exercise of team decision-making. They did so together with professors Guido Stein, Marta Elvira, José Ramón Pin, Enrique Carreño Fernández, Álvaro San Martín and Santiago Álvarez de Mon.
"You learn a lot because the classes are taught by professors with extensive professional experience and because of the difficulty of the cases themselves," says Industrial Engineering Master's student Carla Bustamante. "The professors make you question a series of actions or decisions that you would normally overlook and that, in reality, are vital for the resolution of the case," Bustamante continues.
According to the students, the week in Madrid is not only an academic experience, but also an experience of coexistence. The group ends the trip much more united. Throughout the week they had a dinner at class, which was attended by everyone, including the teachers. A group of students also went to watch El Hormiguero and the Euroleague basketball game between Real Madrid and F.C. Barcelona. visit "On the last day, Eduardo Prieto, a professional referee and a colleague of ours, organized a visit to the soccer city of Las Rozas, where the Spanish national team trains," explains Carla Bustamante.
The students also attended the congress Basque Industry 4.0, as part of the Skills 4.0 Program offered by the School. The young people visited companies such as Tekniker, Tecnalia, Gaiker, Vicomtech and Energigune. "It was very positive, because in addition to the visits, we had a few hours of free visit to approach and talk to the companies we were interested in", concludes the student.