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Luna Checa and Reduan Asbai-Ghoudan, awarded at the congress for doctoral students of the campus

59 students from doctoral program explain their research at the second edition of Tecnun Research Conference

06 | 02 | 2023

Last Wednesday, January 18, the second edition of the congress for doctoral students took place. Tecnun Research Conference, co-funded by the School and Ceit. goal The aim of this meeting is to make visible the work of the doctoral students who carry out their research at campus and, in the words of the Deputy Director of Research at Tecnun, Marta Ormazábal, are points of meeting that "allow us to get out of our day-to-day work and think about synergies (...) that do not arise immediately, but the congress is core topic to initiate collaborations between groups for future projects", she points out.

In this edition, the students presented 59 papers: 47 posters and 12 presentations. In addition, the congress has counted with the participation of some researchers of the Cima. The coordinator of doctoral program, Alejandro Rivas, points out that this year the schedule of the congress has been restructured, making "strength" in the presentation of posters. "We wanted there to be some discussion and for the authors to be able to explain their work well in the morning and afternoon," he adds. As a novelty, the doctoral students and professors in attendance were able to vote in each of the sessions for their "favoriteposter ", as Rivas explains. administrative assistant It is worth mentioning the collaboration of professors Naiara Rodríguez and Idoia Ochoa, as well as Verónica Martín, from the School, at congress .

Although the deliberation was close, in the end the winners were Reduan Asbai-Ghoudan y Luna Checa who won the first prize award.

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