ABC Compressors awards a award to Tecnun students for the quality of a pneumatic project
The goal of this collaboration is to encourage the company's participation in the evaluation of a practice related to its professional activity.
09 | 01 | 2023
The Director General of ABC Compressors, Carlos Martin, presented a award to several students of the Degrees in Mechanical Engineering e Engineering in design Industrial and development of Product of Tecnun for an automotive project . The prototype of a machine for filling tennis ball cans is designed in two groups by the students of subject of Pneumatics and Oleohydraulics Ander Achucarro, Conchi Alva, Rodrigo Barberena, Álvaro Cano, Markus Mörwald and Janis Kohl as members of the first group and by Telmo Grobas, Santiago Iranzo, Thibault Iste, Daniela Jiménez and Nicolás Lafaverge as members of the second group.
The members of ABC Compressors evaluated the following aspects: originality of project, presentation, and the answers given by the students to their questions and proposals for improvement. The members of the jury were three people in charge of the Eibar-based company ABC Compressors. Its General Director , Carlos Martín; the Technical Director , Demetrio San Adrián; and the Oil & Gas Director , Lucio Arizaga.
The goal of this initiative is to encourage the participation of the company, dedicated to manufacture compressors for the food and petrochemical sectors, in subjects related to their professional activity. "'We want to maintain a direct contact with the students of Tecnun. We are interested in getting to know them because we need to hire engineers as well trained as those from Tecnun", said the General Director , Carlos Martin. It should be noted that two students from Tecnun have recently joined the Eibar company.
"This practice is carried out in a professional context so that students learn to meet different milestones to create a machine with pneumatic technology and have it work," explained Tecnun teacher GorkaSanchez. "The jury members not only evaluate the final result of the works, but also make the students go a little further, asking them: 'what if it fails?'