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Tantaka had 184 volunteers and accumulated 3,920 hours of social financial aid last year.

The report of activities of Tantaka-Tecnun, the Solidarity Time Bank of campus of San Sebastian, is presented.

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Tantaka volunteers Tecnun with Aspace users PHOTO: Courtesy
09/09/19 13:22 Communication Service

Tantaka, which was born at the University of Navarra more than 10 years ago, is also gaining strength at campus in San Sebastian. More and more students and professors are choosing projects that allow them to give the best of themselves weekly to people in status of vulnerability: children and adolescents in social exclusion, elderly people with emotional deficiencies, or people with disabilities, different diseases and integration needs.  

There are volunteers who may not have a lot of time but have chosen specific activities to join in. For example, students from the theater group at Tecnun organized a play in April for the elderly and people with mental illness or physical disabilities. On the other hand, more than 40 people, including students and teachers, participated in a solidarity zumba class for the benefit of the Red Cross Gipuzkoa Children and Youth Program. 

Also, Marta de Juana, from the Library Service of Tecnun, organized a charity lottery at Christmas to help the children and adolescents with whom the Red Cross collaborates. Likewise, Venezuelan researchers and students, led by Gabriela Sarriegui, Lorena Lozada and Iñaki Sancho, raised funds at the Solidarity Concert at Tecnun to send hygiene products and food to their native country, with the mediation of the association Choca los Cinco por Venezuela.

Last year María Isabel Rodríguez, coordinator of the photography club, encouraged the students to take photos at organisations that needed to document their activities. And the students, divided into different groups, went to take photos at a dance workshop for people with Alzheimer's organised by AFAGI, as well as capturing moments of the weekly meetings between young people from Tecnun and users and friends of ASPACE who live in the Goienetxe centre.

The Service-Learning project , promoted by the University, also reached campus last year thanks to Emilio Sanchez, researcher of Ceit and teacher of Tecnun. Emilio organized, together with association Gautena, robotics workshops in which students from the School acted as teachers for children with autism and great interest in new technologies.

Solidariun, the workshop of open doors to NGOs of Gipuzkoa, allowed the university community to know first hand the work of fifteen associations, and put voice and face to the needs of support of many people.

It should be noted that the course culminated with a total of 184 volunteers, 3,920 hours of social financial aid , 23 collaborating associations (8 more than last year) and 13 projects of volunteer activities. 

For the recently started academic year, three new projects are being designed in the Service Learning line, so that students - accompanied by teachers - can put their knowledge at the service of those who need it most.

report of Tantaka course 18-19

Activities fair

On Thursday, September 12, people who wish to know the university life of Tecnun will have the opportunity to do so at the traditional fair of activities of the School. Organized in different stands, the different services will bring the offer of Cultural Activities Office, sports and social activities between 13.30 and 14.30 hours outside the Ibaeta building.

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