Tecnun has sponsored the international LEGO League Euskadi tournament organized by Fomento San Sebastián
The tournament took place at the Eureka Science Museum and was attended by 600 participants. Axular school achieved the first award with the project Overclock.
The capital of Gipuzkoa has been, along with Deusto (Bilbao) and Mondragon, one of the three venues that have hosted for the first time simultaneously the celebration of the international tournament FIRST LEGO League Euskadi . In the case of San Sebastian, 35 teams from the three provinces participated and presented their proposals in Eureka-Zientzia Museoa around the topic proposed this year: CITY SHAPER, building better environments in which to live and work, in which they had to identify a problem of a building or public space in the city and propose an innovative solution.
The Department of Economic Promotion, through Fomento de San Sebastian, together with the Basque Innovation Agency-Innobasque, has been responsible for organizing the FIRST LEGO League Euskadi tournament in Donostia, in line with the strategy that has been carried out for years in the field educational of the city, to promote innovation skills through the Donostia Innovation Campus initiative that it develops with schools, professional training centers and universities, with the goal that young people improve their skills and possibilities of development staff and professional.
The FIRST LEGO League Euskadi initiative has been sponsored by Tecnun, Zuccheti, CAF, Inkor, Ausolan and the Eureka Zientzia museum.
It should be noted that nearly 350 young people took part in the FIRST LEGO League, as well as 70 volunteers who worked as jurors, referees or chaperones. In total, almost 600 participants took part in the tournament.
development Also present to encourage the participating teams were the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, the Deputy General of Gipuzkoa, Markel Olano, the Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, the Councillor for Economic Promotion, Enrique Ramos, the Deputy of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Alava, Pilar Gutierrez de Salazar, the Director General of Innobasque, Leire Bilbao and the Director of Promotion of San Sebastian, Euken Sesé. They were accompanied by Iñigo Gutierrez, director of development of Tecnun, Jon Gurrutxaga, Director of Innovation of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Isabel Busto, deputy general manager of Zucchetti Spain, Eluska Sukia, from CAF, Iñigo Atorrasagasti, from Eureka! Zientzia Museoa, Ander Aizpurua, director of Kutxa Fundazioa, Luis Aldasoro, Director of Inkor, Angel del Río, Director of Easo Politeknikoa, Jon Bengoa, of Bengoa and Laura González of Ausolan.