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200 third-year students celebrated their promotion day

The Miramar Palace hosted the presentation of graduation sashes and a lecture to position by Xavier Bringué, professor at School of Communication at the University of Navarra.

FotoMaríaBrotons/3rd grade students and some teachers on the day of their promotion.

13 | 02 | 2024

The third year students celebrated their graduation day on Friday, February 9. The workshop started with a mass in the parish of St. Sebastian Martyr. At 12 noon, the 200 students took their seats at auditorium in the Miramar Palace to receive their scholarship. goal On this occasion, Xavier Bringué, professor at School of Communication at the University of Navarra, gave a talk at lecture with the aim of helping the students to make the right decisions for their future staff and professional future.

Titled "Is there anything harder than being an Engineer?", Bringué spoke to them about the importance of teamwork and loving others through imperfections. "The team is as necessary as it is annoying, but what is most valuable we cannot achieve alone. Conflicts are the source of progress and not all of them are bad," he said. Bringué also emphasized the value of working very well, always focusing on service to others. "The 'who I am' is important because of the 'for whom I am'. If your success does not take into account the 'for whom', it will not be a real success. We are happy to place the brand of the University of Navarra in your hands," he concluded.

For his part, the third year delegate, Juan Lacosta, gave a speech on behalf of his classmates. He thanked the professors for the dedication and generosity with which they take care of them whenever they need it and encouraged his classmates to continue to make the most of their time at the university. In addition, he wanted them to reflect on why they chose the University of Navarra. "I invite you to do so so that we can be aware of our privilege and value everything we have learned," he said. "I encourage you to ensure that our time at Tecnun is not limited to simply covering the transcript, but that in these remaining courses we continue to learn to work with those who think differently, to surprise us with subjects that bring us more than we expected, to see ourselves closer to a professional world in which we are increasingly competent, to get out of ourselves and to soak up the opportunities and experiences of solidarity that the University offers," concluded Lacosta to the applause of his classmates.

Once the ceremony was over and after the photo of the 3rd Promotion, the students continued the workshop with their teachers with a meal at the Ondarreta Tennis Restaurant.

Third Grade Promotion Day

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