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"We want to be the voice of all students at Tecnun"

Corina Garrido and Carlos Eduardo Vidales are the new delegates for this academic year.

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Carlos Eduardo Vidales and Corina Garrido are the delegates for this course. PHOTO: Communication Service
15/10/19 09:14 Communication Service

Corina Garrido Soriano and Carlos Eduardo Vidales Bolaños are the new Tecnun delegates for the 2019-2020 academic year. Specifically, Corina Garrido is the new delegate, and for her "this is a very important commitment because it means being the voice of the students, representing their opinions, and trying to do everything in my power to make everything a reality".

Corina decided to run as a delegate because, as she confesses, she is excited about the idea of being able to do something for others. As for her main tasks, she is clear about them: "Our main goal is the integration of all those who are part of the School, so that they feel they have a role and a commitment to the university," she says. 

Carlos Eduardo Vidales is the new subdelegate of Tecnun, and for him it is both an honor and a responsibility to be so, "since it is the students themselves who have elected us". challenge and, at the same time, a responsibility to be so, "since it is the students themselves who have elected us," and he hopes to take advantage of this opportunity to "grow as a person.

Carlos confesses that he decided to run for subdelegate because during his time at the school he felt that he had only concentrated on studying "and had never done anything for others", so he believes that now he has a good opportunity to put himself at the service of the other students. 

As for what they can contribute, they highlight "new ideas to improve the student experience at Tecnun, so that we all feel identified with our university", and to this end they advocate creating a working environment in which "we all feel comfortable and can contribute new ideas. And, of course, that these ideas are realised", they conclude.

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