Masks, gifts, hydroalcoholic gels for people without resources and 1,130 euros for the Food Bank.
Success of Tantaka's Christmas campaign Tecnun, in which the families of the students, students, teachers and researchers of campus in San Sebastian have participated.
21 | 12 | 2020
This Tuesday ended the Christmas campaign of Tantaka Tecnun in which the families of the students, students and teachers and researchers of campus of San Sebastian have participated. The tree of the entrance of Ibaeta was filled with almost 100 gifts that the university community brought for children from families with few resources and homeless people in the city. Specifically, 28 packages of hats for the cold, hygiene products staff, towels and socks were collected for Caritas, and 66 toys were purchased and will be distributed these days to needy families through the Red Cross Youth .
More than twenty of these toys were brought personally by the students or professionals of campus, the rest were purchased at the AFEDE toy store, thanks to the 875 euros raised in this campaign.
"Behind every gift there are stories and illusion", as Katyna Sada, student of the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering, points out. Other Master's students commented: "At the red ball we saw that Eneko, a 14-year-old boy, was asking for a skateboard, and among the Master's students we made a pot to buy him one.
In addition, thanks to the generosity of the students' families, who have donated 1,460 euros to Caritas, Tantaka has purchased 6,750 masks (3,750 units for adults and 3,000 for children), as well as 75 bottles of hydroalcoholic gel. Mabel Cenizo, coordinator of volunteer activities of Caritas Gipuzkoa, explains "how important it is that all people have a daily mask within their reach, firstly for health reasons, and then because it is important not to stigmatize those who do not wear one, in many cases, due to lack of means".
1,130 euros raised for the Food Bank
On the other hand, students Álvaro Ruiz Lucendo and Silvia García-Balibrea delivered a check worth 1,130 euros to the Food Bank at its headquarters in Oiartzun. In addition, having recently completed a subject on logistics, they suggested to those responsible for the Food Bank the possibility of starting a project to improve some of the processes at storeroom.