Success of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair at Tecnun
The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Bic Berrilan have collaborated in this workshop, which has been awarded the award Entrepreneur to the digital platform HOGARU.
Yesterday took place in Tecnunworkshop Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which was supported by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and BIC Berrilan. The goal of this fair has been to promote the entrepreneurial side of students and graduates of the University of Navarra.
The workshop started with a evaluation of Start Ups, followed by a review of the Israeli innovation ecosystem, by the expert Dan Nahum, director of development Business of MEDX Xelerator, who traveled to Tecnun from New York to give his talk.
Likewise, the Entrepreneurship Unit of the University of Navarra, with its director Gustavo Pego at the head, awarded during yesterday's workshop the First Entrepreneur award to the engineer and former student of Tecnun, Gonzalo Ucar.
Ucar has launched the digital platform HOGARU, a platform that seeks to dignify domestic work in Colombia. Through video lecture, Ucar addressed the more than fifty people who gathered at quotation at the School of Engineers to explain first-hand what his project consists of. It should be noted that the award Entrepreneur was aimed at former students of the University of Navarra who had launched an entrepreneurial idea.
The workshop was a success, and its organizer, Gustavo Pego, was very satisfied with the development of it. Pego wanted to thank for their presence in Tecnun all the guest speakers at the workshop on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Enrique Ranedo, Juan Revuelta Colomo, Santiago Lozano and Dan Nahum. Also to Gonzalo Ucar and Ferran Nogué for their video conferences.
Finally, Pego also had a word of thanks to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and BIC Berrilan, for supporting the workshop. And of course, "to the more than 50 attendees who have accompanied us, and that, with your encouragement and encouragement, give meaning to the workshop", concluded Gustavo Pego.