Master's students at Tecnun have started their 18/19 academic year this week.
The teamwork and company visits are two of the pillars of the postgraduate courses offered by Tecnun
This week the master's degree students, who were the last students to start their classes at the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra, began their classes at the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra. Tecnun students who were the last to start the 2018/2019 academic year. This year, three master's degrees are offered at Tecnun. On the one hand, the Master in Industrial Engineering, which is the largest of the three and has 62 students, followed by the Master in Biomedical Engineering with 14 students, and the Master in Telecommunications Engineering with 12 students. Therefore, a total of 88 students are studying for a master's degree at Tecnun this year.
It should also be noted that, starting next year, the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering will also be taught at the new campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid. In this way, the educational offer of Tecnun will be extended to the capital city.
The students of the Master in Industrial Engineering have their classes in Ibaeta, while those of the Master in Telecommunication Engineering and Biomedical Engineering share facilities in Ibaeta and Miramón.
The teamwork among students and the collaboration and visits to companies are important points on which the master's degrees of Tecnun are based. Also noteworthy is the collaboration of associate professors from important companies, such as Sener, to name just one of them, and the visits that students make throughout the course to other companies such as Sidenor or Ulma, among others.
On the other hand, as part of the subject of Personnel Management Service, students go to IESE for a week. In the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering they also go to Düsseldorf in November, to the international fair 'Medica', where they have contact with companies in the sector. One of the objectives of the master's degrees at Tecnun is for students to be close to the company, to continue their training at the level of knowledge, but with an emphasis on personal skills.