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Back to 2023_06_27_Noticia_Alumni_Meeting_Boston

Miguel Ángel Martínez: "We must give an energetic, hopeful and optimistic response to the addiction to the use of screens".

Nearly 50 alumni participated in the last session of the Alumni Meetings in Boston.

FotoAlumni/The alumni of Boston with the rector, María Iraburu, and the speakers, Miguel Ángel Martínez and Stefanos Kales.

28 | 06 | 2023

On June 22nd, the last session of the Alumni Meetings 2023 edition was held in Boston. This time the event was held at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and was attended by Miguel Angel Martinez, Full Professor of Public and Preventive Health at the University of Navarra, Stefanos Kales, professor at Harvard, and Maria Iraburu, President of the University. About fifty alumni from the area met with other alumni and professors.

The event began with a welcome from the president of the Boston Alumni Territorial board , Álvaro Herreros [ECO'01], who explained the role of the University's chapters around the world and his mission statement to act as a bridge between the University and the alumni. He also encouraged the attendees to share their suggestions, ideas and requests so that the University can continue to accompany them in their professional careers. He also encouraged the attendees to share their suggestions, ideas and requests so that the University can continue to accompany them in their professional careers.

This was followed by the sessions. Dr. Stefanos Kales, Professor at Harvard Chan SPH gave the session "The Hellenic Center for Excellence in Health & Wellness". He explained the importance of a healthy lifestyle: "The Mediterranean per diem expenses is the most recommended per diem expenses in the world, also in the USA", he explained.

Dr. Martínez, for his part, gave the session "Lifestyles & health" in which he spoke about the addictive use of screens and how it affects people's health and well-being: "we must give an energetic, hopeful and optimistic response to the addiction to the use of screens," he said. 

University President Maria Iraburu [BIO'87 | PhD'92] closed the meeting after sharing with attendees the University's projects and Strategy 2025. "Thinking big and then being able to do it with the financial aid of many friends. This is a good summary of the University's dream," the Chancellor expounded. She also wanted to emphasize the importance of being a human university: "the genome of the university is a project inspired by St. Josemaría, which is based on the passion for work and service to people".

At the end of the session, the alumni enjoyed a cocktail and a networking space where they met again with colleagues, professors and others alumni of the University. 


Alumni Meeting Boston (06/22/23)

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