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"We've been coming to Career Fair from Tecnun for years because it's the biggest recruiting ground for engineers for Etxe-Tar."

This year's edition will be issue 25 and will take place on February 22 and 23.

29/01/18 09:24 Communication Service

Ibon Iribarren is a former student of Tecnun and is currently director General Manager assistant of the company Etxe-tar of Elgoibar. Iribarren has been in this position for just over a year and is responsible for coordinating the different Departments and the company's strategy. He was previously responsible for North America and part of Europe, so he has been gaining responsibility within Etxe-tar, one of the companies that is always present in the Career Fair of Tecnun.

Is Etxe-tar again this year a Platinum company on Career Fair of Tecnun?

Yes, indeed. We have been coming for many years because we want to be here permanently. For that reason we have signed a partnership agreement with the School of Engineers of the University of Navarra, since we want to get more involved here to collaborate in some classes and to carry out other activities. This School is our engineering fishing ground issue one.

A good source of engineers?

Of course, Etxe-tar must have had about forty alumni from the School. I am one of them, without going any further. 

And as a good connoisseur of Tecnun, what qualities do you think the engineers trained in this School possess?

In general, I would highlight the ability to adapt, to continue learning, to face new problems, etc. Here we are taught to have a well-furnished head to solve the challenges of our future working life.

Why would you recommend students at Tecnun to choose Etxe-tar as a place to start in the working world?

Because the company is super dynamic and very international since we are exporting more than 90% of what we do. It is also very technological, so the business model changes very quickly. I think that is very attractive.

Is Career Fair a date marked in red on your company's calendar?

Yes, we used to prepare for the end of February, but now we know that by that time half of the students we want to 'recruit' are already committed to other companies. Even so, and thanks to previous work, in last year's Career Fair , 14 students from Tecnun joined Etxe-tar in different formats. The idea is to give them continuity. If they do internships in the third year, they can also do them in the fourth year, and if they study a master's degree, we can continue to count on them after the master's degree, so that in the future they can start their working career with us. If we have liked each other, there is a good chance that we will make a job offer to the students. That is why we work on seducing students throughout the year, although the Forum is the central axis.

What profile engineers are you looking for?

Traditionally we have been looking for a more managerial profile , but from now on many engineers may end up working the attention to the customer. Thanks to our projects we deal with international clients such as Ford or General Motors, so we have been looking for engineers who know languages and want to move in that environment for more than a decade. But we are also looking for more 'classical' engineers, so to speak, for design engineering. Also some automation and fluid engineers.

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