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More than 50 international students visit Tecnun

They are taking engineering courses and will also visit companies in Gipuzkoa.

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Some of the international students of the Summer Courses PHOTO: Communication Service
29/05/19 10:44 Communication Service

The warm weather is here and with it comes the arrival of the Tecnun the international students of the Summer Courses. In the framework of this summer program, more than 50 students from different universities, including Penn State University, University of Michigan or UTSidney, among others, are these days in Donostia to participate in the different activities of the traditional Summer Courses of Tecnun. The foreign visitors are divided into several groups, now there are the first ones, who will stay at Tecnun until Friday, May 31, and the second ones to visit the School will arrive next June 24.

The foreign students will take advantage of their stay at the School of Engineers to carry out different engineering internships in the areas of design Industrial, Renewable Energies or Robotics. They will also visit several companies in the Gipuzkoa area such as CAF, IKOR, ETXETAR, CENER, ORONA, ORBEA, DANOBAT, TECNALIA KUBIC, etc. But, as it could not be otherwise, not everything will be study time and business visits, as foreign visitors will also have the opportunity to make more cultural plans, such as learning about Basque gastronomy, visiting museums, and touring towns near San Sebastian.

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