"If it weren't for the master's degree I wouldn't be working at Salto Systems."
Former student Reyes López recommends taking the master's degree at Tecnun "to those who are still undecided".
Reyes López Vázquez studied the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering at Tecnun for several reasons. "One of them is that I had already come from having studied the Degree in Communications Electronics at Tecnun and, as I enjoyed it very much during my degree, I decided to stay in the same place," she recalls.
At the end of the Degree, he went to Germany to work for six months at the prestigious research center Fraunhofer Institute. "There, he says with a touch of humor, "I made a bit of a piggy bank to be able to pay for the master's degree. "Tecnun gave the option of joining the master's program at the second semester, which came in handy so as not to lose all the academic year after my return," argues Reyes López, who adds that this factor made her decide to do the master's program at Tecnun.
This former student is clear about what the master's degree contributed to her training. "It was a training that was quite focused on work, the theory was considerably reduced, the exams were maintained on occasion, but the weight of the subjects resided in the daily work," she recalls. "We literally had so much work and so many internships that we spent long days in Miramón."
"In Germany, I saw firsthand that I wanted more training, and in my opinion, the master's program was able to meet those needs," she says over the years. It has also helped him to find a job. "If it hadn't been for the master's degree, I wouldn't be working at the company where I am now meeting , because they require higher engineers, or in other words, a Degree, plus a qualifying master's degree."
Reyes works at Salto Systems, where she is an engineer at research and development in the Electronics department , and she is clear that she would recommend the master's degree to all final-year students. "For students who have done the Degree in Electronics or Systems at Tecnun , of course I would," she says, and adds with a laugh: "Besides, I would tell those who are undecided to be calm, because it is easier than the Degree. It's just one more year and it opens a lot of doors.
The Bimestral format of the master's program was one of the things Reyes liked the most. "The subjects are divided in threes, and every two months there are exams, papers, and presentations. This makes it very bearable. In addition, we used to have only one subject for the whole morning, and when it was practice, the morning flew by."
What Reyes values most about the School of Engineering at the University of Navarra is "without a doubt, its teaching, because I don't know of any other place where the professors are so willing to help student. There really is a repertoire of great professionals, so prepared that they deserve to be mentioned".
And of course, anyone who has passed through the classrooms of Tecnun keeps in the retina some amusing anecdote that happened to him during his student years. In Reyes' case it is this one:
"One fine morning in June, an Asian wasp flew in through a window of the conference room vip (library/conference room study room for people from second cycle) and I started to hear some banging on the window next door. When I saw the insect of transatlantic proportions, I ran out leaving everything behind. A guy helped me get it out of the library, the clerk mentioned that it wasn't the first time and that there was a nest nearby."
From that day on, the first one would always arrive and place herself right at the window through which the bug had slipped in, to close it and keep it that way all day. "Someone would approach the window with the intention of opening it and I would immediately jump out and ask: "Do you want a giant wasp to come in? and that way they wouldn't try to open it again," Reyes concludes, amused.