The sustainability club "Green Tecnun" takes stock of the course
The group, formed by engineering students, has carried out 18 work actions at campus in San Sebastian.

FotoCedida/Thestudents of the "Green Tecnun" at campus of Ibaeta
30 | 07 | 2021
Thirty-four student volunteers have carried out eighteen actions in four different areas of work: projects, GreenTeR, communication and cooperation.
Green Tecnun is a group of volunteer students from the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra that seeks to "make Tecnun a more sustainable place", according to Ainhoa Fernández Jaca, the student in charge of coordinating the team.
Among the projects that have been carried out this academic year 2020-2021 is the collection of clothes and blankets for second use, which, according to Fernandez "has avoided the emission of 320 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere". Another project consists of recycling oil from the school's cafeteria to make liquid soap and "to be able to use it in the toilets at Tecnun next year," says the coordinator. The students of the NTFP magazine magazine expand on this project on pages 16 and 17 of their third issue. third issue.
They have also analyzed the circularity of project Tecnun eRacing. In this way, they have been able to initiate actions such as improving waste separation, advice to improve the circularity of the car, recovery of materials and tools, as well as including filters in the sink to minimize waste.
They also try to raise awareness among the university community about the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling. Through their Linkedin and Instagram channels they provide information on sustainable habitsinitiatives and activities of the club and collaborations with sustainable organisations. On Instagram they already have around 1,200 followers and on Monday 2 August they will announce the winners of a draw for vegan nuggets The Heura brand's campaign, which has had more than 21,000 views and almost 3,000 participations, will be announced on Monday 2 August.
They deal with topics such as fast fashion or the pollution generated by the meat industry. In this line, they are introducing vegan options in the menu of cafeteria. At the moment, they offer hamburgers, but "we are working on a greater vegan offer, although it also depends on the demand from the users of cafeteria", says Fernández.
For the next academic year, many initiatives are already underway, such as the cleaning of beaches and rivers, cooperation with the sustainable development , awareness campaigns in schools and at campus, as well as contests and challenges that directly involve the university community and contribute to making Tecnun an increasingly greener place.
Attached is report of Green Tecnun 2020-2021.