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Students from Tecnun design furniture elements with natural resources, fusing tradition with innovation.

The students of Industrial Engineering design and development Product Engineering are working on a challenge next to the signature Ondarreta in San Sebastian.

31 | 05 | 2024

Designing furniture has become a top priority for manufacturers and designers, as it can drive the transition to a Circular Economics that enables socialdevelopment and the regeneration of our planet. Under this premise, the external professor of TecnunCarlos Alonso Pascual, presented to the 2nd year students the challenge of designing furniture elements with natural resources together with the signature Ondarreta, award National design in 2023.

Thus, and in the framework of the subject of Workshop of design, 27 students have analyzed the characteristics and needs of this signature donostiarra with the goal to make proposals. "These are absolutely real challenges and financial aid much to make the transition from the academic world to the professional world in a natural and progressive way," says Professor Carlos Alonso Pascual.

Specifically, the students of the Degree in design and development Product Engineering have designed seats, tables or other furniture elements that have been detected during their own research. To do this, the students say they have investigated the use of sustainable materials, 100% recycled or recyclable, wood or other materials such as laminates, glass, metals or natural stones.

One of the managers of the company Ondarreta, Nadia Arratibel, who is a former student of the University of Navarra, was surprised by the "great work" they have done, the way they have analyzed the project and their involvement. School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, was sample surprised by the "great work" they have done, how they have analyzed the project and their involvement. "It has been very interesting to listen to them. Having contact with young people and seeing their concerns is always enriching". 

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