



The Library houses the collection of bibliography basic and specialized research in Engineering (Industrial Technologies, Mechanics, design Industrial and development of Products, Materials, Industrial Organization, Industrial Automation and Electronics, Telecommunications, Biomedicine and Sciences), Applied Physics and Environment.


Aplicaciones anidadas

Publicador de contenidos

+47 thousand _
volumes of monographs
60 thousand _
electronic journal titles
350 thousand _
full-text e-books
1.000 _
classical music CD-ROM
2.500 _



Aplicaciones anidadas


application of documents

Faculty, researchers, students and staff of Tecnun can apply for books and journals not in the Library' s collection for purchase or application through the service of Loan Interlibrary.




It has access to the main general and specialized datainstructions . Select the Engineering category from the drop-down menu to find out what instructions data is available on that research area .


Access for alumni

Any engineer may continue to use the Library for the enquiry of its funds. In order to check out a work at Loan you must belong to the Colegio de Ingenieros Vasco-Navarro, or be a member of the association Alumni of the University of Navarra.


List by subject

001.- Tribology

002.- Thermal engines

003.- Mechanical technology

004.- Robotics

Industrial heating and cooling

006.- Concrete

007.- Structures metallic

Construction and architecture

010.- Calculation and construction of machines

011.- Strength of materials - elasticity

012.- Theory of the Structures .

013.- Energy

014.- Kinematics and dynamics of machines

015.- Vehicles

016.- Continuum mechanics

017.- Gears and transmissions

Computational mechanics

019.- Mechanical Engineering

020.- Fluid mechanics

021.- Experimental Mechanics

022.- design industrial

001.- Computer methods

Operating systems

003.- Computer applications

004.- Artificial Intelligence

005.- Languages

006.- Integration of information

007.- Computer graphics

008.- Informatics

010.- Computers

001.- Environment

002.- Ecology

Environmental management

004.- Atmospheric and industrial pollution

005.- Water pollution

001.- Chemistry physical

Instrumental methods

003.- Thermodynamics Chemistry

004.- Chemistry

005.- Technology Chemistry and process engineering

006.- Chemistry inorganic

007.- Chemistry organic

008.- Engineering of chemical reactions

009.- Chemistry analytical

001.- Physics

002.- Astronomy

003.- Acoustics - vibrations

Nuclear physics

005.- Optics

006.- Solid state


008.- Mechanics

Physical thermodynamics

001.- Topography

002.- Descriptive geometry

003.- Technical drawing

001.- Culture and sport

001.- Music

001.- Biology - Geology

001.- rule Spanish

002.- DIN Standards

ISO Standards

004.- General rules

ASTM Standards

006.- Project standards

001.- Narrative

002.- History of literature

003.- Biographies

004.- Theatre

005.- Lyric

006.- language English

007.- language French

008.- language German

009.- language basque - euskera

001.- language and graphic and oral expression

001.- Pedagogy

001.- Philosophy

002.- Sociology - cultural anthropology

003.- Ethics and moral theology

004.- Philosophy of science

001.- Plastic arts

002.- Cinema - photography

003.- Culinary art - gastronomy

001.- History

002.- History of the Basque Country

004.- History of science and technology

001.- Manuals

002.- University - employment

006.- Encyclopaedias

008.- Dictionaries

009.- Atlas

001.- Extractive metallurgy


003.- Oxidation, corrosion and electrochemistry

004.- Polymers

005.- Industrial processes (metals)

Mechanical properties

007.- Observation and analysis techniques

008.- Ceramics and glass

009.- Phase transformations and treatments

010.- Crystallography, defects and Structures

011.- Thermo. physical-Chemistry of solids and diffusion

012.- Materials

12-A.- STP

013.- Metals

014.- Electrical properties

015.- Powder Metallurgy

001.- Algebra and geometry

Numerical analysis

Queues and inventories

004.- Stochastic processes

Analysis and calculation

006.- Graphs, networks and combinatorics

007.- Topology


009.- Systems

Differential equations

011.- Operational research

Mathematical programming

013.- Complex variable

014.- Decision and games


016.- Probabilities and statistics

002.- Automation and control 

003.- Instrumentation

004.- Electrical machines

005.- Microelectronics

006.- Circuit theory

007.- Electronics

008.- Power electronics

Analogue electronics

010.- Digital electronics - microprocessors

011.- Electrical engineering - measurements

012.- Power systems

001.- Production

002.- Business administration and management

003.- Accounting

004.- Quality

005.- Marketing

006.- Economics

Human resources

Industrial organisation

Health and Safety at Work

010.- Ethics

001.- Theology

001.- Librarianship and documentation

001.- Communication theory and systems

002.- Telecommunication services

003.- Telematics and data networks

004.- Optoelectronics and optical communications

Signal processing

006.- Communications electronics

007.- Circuits and Signal Theory

008.- Manufacturing and construction technology of components equipment and networks

009.- Electromagnetic theory and radiation

010.- Telecommunications

001.- BioMEMs (Biological Microsystems)

002.- Biomaterials

003.- Biomechanics

004.- Computational biology

005.- Biology

006.- Bioengineering

001.- Video

002.- Cinematographic films

003.- Musical films


