



Users of the Tecnun Library can take works at Loan and check them out of the Library for a certain period of time. To do so, they should keep in mind:

  • The Loan is staff and therefore requires the presentation of the ID card of the University or the corresponding card authorized, so no loans will be made to those who do not present it or who show the ID card of another Username.
  • The user undertakes to treat well and refund in good condition and in the deadline indicated documents that remain in their custody. Returns can be made at the counter of Loan or in the mailbox provided for this purpose.


Conditions of Loan

All works can be taken out at Loan except:

  • Works from reference letter: bibliographies, catalogs, dictionaries, encyclopedias.
  • Works of special value: unique editions, editions and Special Collections.
  • Works from enquiry frequently on conference room.
  • Magazines and other periodicals.
  • Thesis.

Works that can be accessed directly are taken from the shelf and go to the counter at Loan or to the self-checkout machine.

If the work cannot be accessed directly, it must be requested from Unika or go to the counter.

In the My Account option you can consult the documents at Loan, requests made, blocks and penalties, personal data and my favorites.

In the event that the Username wants to consult or take in Loan a work that is already on loan, you can make a application.

This system allows you to be informed of when the work is returned and prevents the Username that holds it from continuing to make renewals of the Loan.

Returns should be made at the desk or in the drop box located next to the Library's entrance .

It is not necessary to submit the ID card from Username and can be returned by anyone.

Works on Loan will be automatically renewed until they reach issue maximum number of days, as long as they have not been reserved by another Username. You can also renew them manually from the My Loans option.

The self-renewal of textbooks, recommended in the subject bibliographies, is not authorized since their period of Loan is for the entire semester.

Failure to return a book in the stipulated deadline , after receiving the library notice that it has been reserved by another Username, will result in the suspension of the service of Loan and reservation. In case of receiving more than two notices and not refund the book, the account will be blocked.

When a book is lost, you should inform staff as soon as possible. The book must be replaced or, if this is not possible, the Library may purchase a new copy. The cost of the replacement and the corresponding expenses will be paid by the borrower.
