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Winning videos Ingefilm 2024 Contest

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Concurso Ingefilm 2024. Ganador | Categoría "colegios"

Concurso Ingefilm 2024 | Ganador categoría "universidades"

Concurso Ingefilm 2024. Ganador | Categoría "universidades"


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¿Qué es y en qué consiste Concurso INGEFILM?


Why was the INGEFILM Contest created and what is it?

What is engineering? What is its scope? What is studied in the different engineering Degrees ? Do I have profile as an engineering student? How to choose the engineering Degree ? Will I like to work in the engineering world? What will I be able to do in the future?

Éhese and many other questions arise during the last years of high school program. For the past 25 years, the Orientation Service of Tecnun has been making engineering careers known throughout Spain, and has been receiving thousands of young people and their families at its facilities to answer these questions and help them choose the university Degree . To do so, Tecnun uses videos, conferences, workshops, internships, on-site visits, case studies, orientation sessions...

With this, the Guidance Service intends that young people decide with more criteria and do not let themselves be carried away by fashions, interested outside influences, social inertia, etc.etc.

que es img

Participate in the contest by sending a short and original video that deals with one of the engineering fields and that helps to clear up doubts both for young people who are considering studying one of them and for students at Tecnun. 

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el concurso

What do the videos have to look like?

You can participate in one of our 2 categories:

For students (national and international) of Sophomore1st and 2nd of high school program.

For current Degree and master's degree students from Tecnun.

Ingefilm invites you to share with usa video in Spanish, Basque or English, original, dynamic, non-commercial and informative (artistic elements, actors, music and any other element considered), aimed at young people between 14 and 18 years old, with a maximum duration of 3 minutes. The videos will be made in groups with a minimum of 2 participants and a maximum of 3.

Each team must choose an engineering Degree on which to develop the video: Industrial Technologies, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Electronics, Industrial Organization, design Industrial and development of Products, Telecommunication Systems, Civil, Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Aeronautical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Agricultural Engineering,etc.

The videos can reflect different aspects related to the engineering of your choice:

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Academic content 

Methodology of work

Types of projects addressed

Applications of acquired knowledge


profile of the student

Career opportunities

 subject of companies in which it is possible to work

Tasks that can be performed...

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Ejemplos de vídeos...

Examples of videos...

Take a look at the videos for inspiration, but remember: as long as you comply with the rules and regulations, you are free to do it as you see fit!

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The jury's decision

The March 15, 2024 a jury, consisting of a team member guidance, a team member communication and a representative of the students of Tecnun, will meet to choose the winners.



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En cada categoría habrá un equipo ganador/a que podrá elegir uno de los siguientes premios: 

In each category there will be a winning team that may choose one of the following prizes:  

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-ESO students and high school diploma-

Trophy + *Participation in the conference of Initiation to the Engineering of Tecnun (last week of June 2024 with all expenses paid: travel, accommodation and average board, optional surf course and registration to conference, accompanied by a monitor). 


-Students of schools and Tecnun-

Individual trophy + Decathlon gift voucher of 400 € for each participant.


-Students of schools and Tecnun-

Individual trophy + Fnac gift voucher of 400 € for each participant.


* In the event that participants do not need to travel and accommodation, they will receive a gift voucher for 250 euros for team member along with the registration to conference Initiation, food and surf.

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A post shared from Tecnun (@tecnun)