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project End of Degree or Master

The External Relations Service manages the final projects of Degree/masters that are carried out in companies (and also the voluntary internships). These will be formalized through a partnership agreement between the company and the University of Navarra. The stay in the company for the completion of the project end of Degree/career is academic in nature and therefore there is no employment relationship between the company and student.

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What is the project de Fin de Degree?

The project Fin de Degree, hereinafter PFG, is a compulsory subject of the Degree degrees given at the School of Engineering. In it, the student elaborates a project in the field of specific technologies of Engineering, of professional nature, in which the competences acquired in the teachings are synthesized and integrated. The evaluation of this subject is carried out through the submission of a digital report and a public defense.


In order to guarantee a sufficient offer that makes it possible for all students to take this subject, the Final Projects Degree may be of one of the following typologies:

  • OWN: Projects from among those offered by the Departments of the School of Engineering or the Ceit.

  • THIRD PARTY: Projects developed in the framework of an agreement, with companies, organizations or other universities.

This instruction regulates the administrative and academic procedures for the application, realization, presentation and evaluation of the PFG in the degrees of Degree of the School of Engineering.

  • The enrollment of the PFG must be done as an additional subject (in summer or in the extension of enrollment in January). If for fill in the degree program a student student is only missing the PFG, he/she must register for it in order to maintain the status of student. It is essential to be enrolled in the PFG in order to submit it. However, it is not necessary to be enrolled in the PFG to start working on it. If a student wishes to undertake the PFG in a company, the administrative formalities will be done through the Foreign Relations Service at Tecnun. The public defense will be made before a Tribunal composed of at least two persons.

  • The deadlines for the defense are:

    • September 7 for the ordinary convocation.

    • September 8 for the re-sit examination period.

From the defense of the PFG to the generation of the certificate of PFG will not pass more than fifteen days, so that in that deadline the grade will be included in the file of student.

  • The deadline for the application of Withdrawal for the PFG will be one week before the corresponding defense deadline .

  • The student, depending on the topic chosen for its project, must contact the Project Manager, hereinafter PR , who will assign an Academic Supervisor (the student will carry out the PFG in which the topic of its project is framed, regardless of its degree program).

  • The PR may exceptionally assign, after previous application and study, projects of its subject matter to students who are not from the corresponding Degree , if it considers sufficient the competences acquired by the student in the Degree studied.

  • The Academic Supervisor will be responsible for directing the project of the student and will give his approval before the submission of the digital report .

  • The minimum dedication of project is set at 300 hours of work for 12 projects ECTS credit.

  • The student will submit the digital report of his/her GFP to the secretary's office( and to his/her Academic Supervisor who will send it to the PR. The department Project Manager will set the date for the defense, will appoint the members of the Tribunal and will send them the corresponding grade sheet.

  • The public defense of the PFG will take place on the date agreed upon. After the defense, the Tribunal will only inform the student if the PFG has been considered Pass or not, without communicating the grade numerical. Finally, the Tribunal will give the Project Manager the grade Sheet and the latter will publish the grade in the certificate. The Court will evaluate the project under the following weighted criteria:

    • Difficulty of topic

    • Structure and content of the project

    • Presentation (figures, plans, etc.)

    • Oral defence

    • Answers to the Court's questions

    • Dedication and rigour in production

The project end of Degree/master is a mandatory subject that the student can be carried out in a company. In order to be considered as an Academic project it must be validated by the professor in charge of final projects Degree/master assigned by Tecnun.

Depending on the subject and content of project the teachers are:


  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering: Prof. Iñigo Puente(

  • Degree in Industrial design Engineering and Product development : Prof. Paz Morer(

  • Degree in Biomedical Engineering: Prof. Javier Aldazabal(

  • Degree in Electronic Communications Engineering / Degree in Telecommunication Systems Engineering / Degree in Electrical Engineering / Degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering: Prof. Joaquín de Nó(

  • Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering: Prof. Javier Santos(

  • Degree in Industrial Technologies: The students of this Degree will be able to choose any of the topics defined for the Degrees in: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Industrial Electronics Engineering for which they have the necessary knowledge.


In addition to the areas mentioned above, projects in the areas of materials and environmental engineering may be carried out. The responsible professor will evaluate the suitability of the candidates for the realization of this subject of projects. The professor responsible for the materials area is Javier Aldazabal and for the environmental area is Ion Irizar.

The Professor in charge of Projects will assign an Academic Tutor who will be the person in charge of the follow-up of project.